Hi girls! Last night was a very special night. I was feeling nervous and emotional all day, but when I got home I had a huge smile on my face and felt like I had a new perspective on life. As I mentioned yesterday I was meeting up with my amazing friend Marte for dinner. The last time I saw her she was healthy as a peach, bubbly, energetic and hilarious like no other. This time I didn’t know what to expect, as she was diagnosed with very aggressive breast cancer around six months ago, and she is in the middle of strong chemo treatments. When it comes to the people I care about I have no control over my emotions, and I was scared I would break down in tears once I saw her. No one in my family or amongst my friends have ever had cancer, so this was all very new. I’ve shed so many tears this summer and fall, and she has been on my mind every single day.
We met up at our favorite sushi restaurant, and when I saw her I just lost my ability to speak. She still looked just as bubbly, happy and not to mention gorgeous as she’s always been!! She removed her wig, and even without any hair she was as stunning as ever, she was still the same Marte I’ve known and loved for the last five years. She showed me the scar on her chest where her breast used to be while making a typical Marte-joke, so in stead of tearing up she made me break out in laughter. Seriously, I have no words for this girl!! My admiration for her is so huge that words come short.
I was very unsure whether I should ask questions about it or just talk about something else, but she was so open about it and told me all about life with cancer, what chemo therapy is like and her thoughts and feelings about it all. We ended up sitting there talking way after dinner and dessert. We actually sat there until the restaurant closed, and I think it must have been one of the best nights I’ve had all year. I was stunned by her ability to still make me laugh to the point where no sound comes out, even after everything she’s been through, and is still going through. I am so deeply impressed by her, and admire here more than words can explain.
Marte, you are the strongest woman I know! The fact that you’re still the world’s sweetest, most bubbly, funniest and gorgeous firework of a person, despite aggressive cancer and chemo, is so impressive! You are AMAZING!! Once the cancer is out, I’ll take you on a girl’s trip to New York, and we’ll celebrate life and everything you’ve overcome. I love you!!
Me: Are you sure it’s OK to walk all the way home in the dark by yourself?
Marte: Sure! If I get scared, I’ll just drop the wig and scare everyone away with my bald head.
Haha, thinking about all the things she said last night still cracks me up. When I got home I couldn’t sleep though, my thoughts were just running a marathon in my head. It’s crazy to think about how quickly things can change! How life can be normal one day, and completely turned upside down the next. How short and vulnerable life is! I’ve always been a fan of quotes telling us to live life to the fullest, live every day like it’s our last and embrace life, but right now I feel like there is so much more meaning to the quotes for me. Marte is just 25 years old. If she hadn’t suddenly gotten a feeling that she should check her breasts for lumps, and hadn’t noticed the dangerous lump in time, the story could have had a very different ending.
This is embarrassing to admit, but I have actually never really checked my breasts before. I’ve just thought that I’m so young, and don’t have any breast cancer in my family, and been way too naive. Now that’s about to change!
“1 in 8 women will get breast cancer at some point in their lives, and at least a third of women will not self-check their breasts. Early diagnosis is essential in treating breast cancer, and that’s where monthly self-checks come in.
TOUCH your breasts. Can you feel anything unusual?
LOOK for changes. Is there any change in shape or texture?
CHECK anything unusual with your doctor.”
Today I’ll do a full self-check on my breasts, and I encourage every one of you to do the same. Are you in? And remember girls, life is short. Appreciate your health, life, family and friends, because suddenly it can all change. Embrace life!!♥
Source for statistics: Here // Picture: Selfie before I headed out last night with way too much flash action going on, hah.
Nydelig skrevet <3 Og heia Marte <3!
This post has made me emotional. Your friend is so strong, I’ve heard that positivity has a huge part in curing a cancer so I hope everything will go fine for her!!
PS : Could you do a guide to what to wear to a blogger event? That would be so great.
XO to you and your friend Marte
She is the strongest girl I know! And she is the most positive one too, so hopefully that will help :)
Yes I can try to do that :)
Det ER så skummelt! Håper det beste for Marte og håper at du er ok! :) <3
Such a beautiful post Cath!I want to send a big hug to you and your friend, Marte. <3 <3
Wow.. you’re just so right. Sometimes we’re upset (or at least I am) about nothing and if you really think we should be just happy to be healthy..
i think not only you do have a wonderful friend in Marte but also she must be very happy to have someone like you as a friend!!
Wow, that is such a touching story!! I’m really impressed by the way Marte is dealing with that f*cking cancer!
It is by way very important to check your breast every now and then!
Thank you for sharing Cath. :) And I wish Marte all the best, she deserves it <3
Utrolig bra skrevet, det er så sant at du glemmer det lett i hverdagen! Sender alle gode tanker til din venn og ønsker hun masse lykke til <3
Flott, Cathrine! Fantastisk at du bruker bloggen til å sette fokus på et så viktig tema! Og heier veldig på din venninne! :-)
Wow, this text was just… wow. It gave me so much inspiration! I don’t even find the right words to describe the feelings this text made me feel! There’s actually quite a lot of cancer going on among my relatives and this post somehow made me feel a little bit better about it. I wish all the best for Marte!♥
Så nydeleg skrive, Cathrine! <3 takk for at du deler! Sterkt å lesa! Sender gode tankar til deg og Marte <3
Dear Cath,
I’ve been following your blog for almost a year and what you are doing it’s amazing. The thing I appreciate the most is how you can share your experiences, even the most scary ones like this story, and still be positive! I really admire your friend and wish her all the best!
I wanted to share the video you can see on the following link, it’s a funny campaign to remind women to have their breast checked, girls have a look:)
wow! nå har jeg nettopp felt noen tårer.
Marte virkelig helt rååå og sterk. Hurra for Marte!
PS! and yes, I’m definitely in!
What an inspiring post! I felt so sad while reading the beginning of it, yet by the end only felt motivated and inspired. Marte sounds like a true star, and a welcome optimistic take on battling cancer. All my best to her <3 <3 (Aaand I totally just examined my breasts. Thanks for the reminder!) xx
Girl this is so inspiring. I’m really happy that your friend got better and I hope she’ll be completely healthy very soon. Cancer is the worst thing that can happen to someone and it’s my biggest fear. I’ll definitely check myself cause you can never know. Life can change in a second.
For et utrolig vakkert skrevet innlegg! Jeg ble veldig rørt!
Det er bra du forteller dette og gjør jenter ennå mer klar over at brystkraft er vanlig å få!
Klem <3
This is a really sweet post..I’ve had two aunts that died of lung cancer, my Dad had some kind of lump on his arm that turned out to be cancer as well (but it was taken out and he’s been monitored since and luckily nothing else happened!!) and I’m so scared that I’ll get something..my breasts used to be huge and when I got a breast reduction the doctor told me it would lower cancer risk and I got a lot relieved.. A friend of mine is also currently battling cancer and she’s so so strong and inspiring!!! Sometimes those with the biggest problems in life are the ones who stay the strongest!
I wish all the best to your friend and hope she never loses her bubbly personality!!!
I am so sorry to hear that Rosie :( I’m glad your dad is well!! Yes that’s true, it’s so inspiring! Thank you :*
Mine too!! I’m glad you’re gonna check yourself too :)
She really is a true star :) I’m glad you did, no problem <3
Så søt du er! Ja, hun er fantastisk :)
Thank you for your sweet words Sam <3 I'll check out the video right now :) Xo<3
Takk søte <3
Reading that last part brought tears to my eyes, I’m so glad it had a positive effect on you! Best of wishes to everyone in your life who’s fighting cancer <3
Takk søte du, heier jeg også :) :)
Hun takker så mye <3
Yes, it’s so important! She says thank you <3
You are so sweet! Thank you for that. And yes, I’m exactly the same way with my ‘problems’. I for sure got a little reality check after hanging out with her again :)
Thank you, big hugs right back atcha from both of us <3
Ja, kjempeskummelt :/ Takk <3
Nå ble jeg helt rørt, for et fantastisk menneske hun må være! Hadde bare alle vært slik. Og hun er kjempeheldig som har en venn som deg :) Heier på henne og at dere får en tur til NY :D <3
Jeg satt med frysninger i hele kroppen når jeg leste dette. Utrolig flott skrevet Cathrine. Det lyser igjennom at du er ett utrolig godt menneske. Sender gode tanker til venninnen din Marte <3
Så søt du er <3
Skjønning <3
Virkelig vakkert innlegg, og ikke minst med et veldig viktig budskap! Min bestemor døde av brystkreft så altfor ung, så oppfordrer alle til å sjekke seg og få det undersøkt om man er i tvil! Bedre å være føre-var enn etter-snar! :)