Some iPhone snapshots from last night’s fun event; Ecco Walk In Style Awards in Copenhagen City Hall. I finally got to meet the lovely Celine and Silje, such sweet and stylish ladies. And I finally got to wear my Zara dress! It’s not often that I wear something this tight, but this one is just so pretty.
I’m at the airport at the moment waiting to go home, I’ll talk to you from Bergen! I have so many fun pictures to share, so be sure to check back in♥
I love your bag and top, Cathrine!!
czn you add samo more photos of this zara dress :D
Hvilken størrelse har du i wildfox t-skjorten din?:-)
Akkurat samme kjole som Celine brukte på Missoni lanseringen i Stockholm i høst :) Hehe, men betyr ikke nødvendigvis at du hermer – bare at dere har lik smak :)) Fin var du!
Takk for en hyggelig kveld..Du så smashing ut! Jeg må finne igjen min blondekjole:) litt uvant å se meg selv i striper…hehe…
håper dere har hatt en fin onsdag.
LOVE the dress!! Is it still available online?? xoxo
Fine bilder ;-) Den kjolen sitter fantastisk fint på deg da, så den må du helt klart bruke mer ;-)
love the bags<3 you looked gorgeous!
xx claude
Thank you :)
Takk søting :)
No I don’t think so, it sold out so fast :/
Takk det samme søte du! Du var definitivt kveldens kuleste kledde, elsket stripe-looken!! Takk det samme<3
Jeg hermet! Hva så, haha :) Celine er nydelig og har fantastisk stil, når jeg så bildet av henne i kjolen bare måååtte jeg ha den :)
Small :)
Yes I’ll blog lots of pictures tomorrow :)
I was wondering if you could do another post about your weight loss? I know you have written about it already, but I can’t find the post, and the post that I found about your weight loss won’t open :(
I’m just so inspired about your weight loss, I’m trying to get fit and would love to know how you ‘did it’. I found your blog by accident a month ago, and I just love your blog! I think you’re so sweet and confident, and I really hope that I will be as confident after my weight loss. You truly have inspired me to get fit.
I love your blog and everything you tell ans show in this blog <3
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! But unfortunately I don’t want to write anything more about that :/ It’s not the focus I want on my blog :/ Thank you again for sweet words <3
Oh that’s a shame, but I fully understand! :)
Looking stunning, girllll! :)