Hi lovelies! You requested some details from the dinner party, and as usual your wish is my command :) First of all, the name cards. This is just a silly little detail, but I think it’s so fun to go all out! I added pictures of everyone, you know, in case they had forgotten how they look (ehm..). It was so easy, I simply made them on the computer, bought thick black paper and attached them with those little stickers you use on pictures in albums.
I did the same thing with the tasks everyone had to do.
The prettiest homemade card ever!!
An egg boiler. Haha so cute!!
It was so fun that I just want to do it again immediately! I made all the tapas and bought all the wine, but if you want to do it more budget friendly just ask your friends to bring one tapas dish and a bottle of wine each. I definitely think most girls just will think it’s fun to be able to contribute with something :)
Du er superflink! :) Har allerene en venninnemiddag p
Wow where did you get the beautiful wine-box? :)
Hvor er “puss&kram” steinene fra? Fantastisk fine detaljer!
Det var helt utrolig fine bordkort! Det s
Har spurt f
cath! you have put so much friendly love into all that, very nice to have such friends! :)
Ja enig med Elise, inviter alle oss blogglesere og! Haha, det ser ut som det var KJEMEPkoselig! og du fikk jo masse fint :D
Jeg l
Haha dere er hjertelig inviterte neste gang :D <3
Du f
Jeg har egentlig ingen tips utover de jeg allerede har skrevet :/ Beklager :/ Klem
Vet ikke, det var jo gave :/
A Norwegian store called Sparkj
Tuusen takk for fin kommentar <3
Hei Cathrine! Leser bloggen din hver dag og vil bare si at du er veldig flink til
fine detalier !:D
Hvor er vinkassen fra? Kjempefin var den:)
Utrolig kult med de oppgavene inni navnekortene da :D
Wow, s
Jeg vet jeg har lest f
Shopbop.com :) Og tusen takk for det <3
hva sto det p
Den eggekokeren m
Tusen takk :)