Shirt: Zara // Skirt: H&M
Outside there’s a huge storm going on, with lots of rain, strong wind and right now even the snow joined in on the fun. Inside it’s warm, light and the daisies on my shirt makes me feel like spring has arrived already. I just love happy clothes like this one! I’m still not feeling 100% after yesterday, the stomach cramps have gone over to nausea, so I’ve spent the day answering lots of emails, interviews, and finding more gifts for the Christmas calendar. Guess who wanted to give away gifts? WahWah!! I can’t wait to share them with you guys, be sure to check the blog tomorrow morning because tomorrow’s gift is so awesome!
Other than that I’m off to the mall right now. I hate malls during Christmas time, there’s just way too many stressed out people, so when we were there a couple of days ago we got absolutely everything we needed so that we didn’t have to go there again before Christmas. I got lots of cute gift wrapping and was so pleased with it, until I saw an even prettier one in the last store we visited. I had already bought tons so I didn’t get it, and now I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. So now I’m off to exchange the gift wrapping I got, and buy plenty of the other one, haha. I think cute wrapping is such a big part of the present, so it just has to be done. After that I guess I have to start packing for Lanzarote, a trip I’m majorly excited about. One of the things that excites me the most is actually being able to take good outfit pictures again, which has been impossible in Bergen lately. Next week will be a good blog week with lots of outfit posts, yay! I hope you’ve had an awesome day♥
I live in Denmark and it’s crazy outside. So windy! But I haven’t seen any snow today. (:
Wow I love that shirt! I gotta look on it when I am going to Zara Again. :)
I adore this outfit and your hair style is so pretty !
nydelig antrekk :)
Lovely outfit, I love that skirt. You always find the loveliest skirts and I havent seen this one in H&M :)
Thanks sweetie! I’m a sucker for cute skirts :) This one is from H&M Trend if that helps :)
Takk :)
Thanks sweetie :)
I know, it’s so crazy!
Jeg skal til Bergen i Desember, så jeg lurte på om du kan anbefale en restaurant i Bergen. Gjerne en som er litt finere og dyrere :)
I absolutely adore your style! so cute!
smukke pike!! <3
Hei :) Det spørs jo litt hva slags type mat du er ute etter.. Hvis du liker tapas måå du gå på Escalon ved fløyen, det er så utrolig hyggelig der og maten er fantastisk :) Hvis du vil ha sushi anbefaler jeg Red Sun, ellers er Bølgen&Moi, Salsa og Potetkjelleren bra :) Men finnes maange andre bra her også :)
Wooowww!!! amazing look!!!
love the skirt!!!
X o X o
Thank you sweetie :)