◊Today’s accessory: Coin hand chain: Here (adlink)◊
Happy Monday you guys, after the most amazing weekend. I couldn’t have asked for a better one! Last night ended the way every Sunday should be ended; In the couch with your best friend, watching a typical American comedy (Last Vegas was hilarious). And before that I even got news so great that they made me burst into tears, I can’t wait to share it with you guys! This week is going to be pretty amazing too. I have tons of work to do, before Fride and I are off for Stockholm and a weekend at The Nelly Hotel on Friday. They are celebrating their 10th birthday, and throwing an insane birthday bash! They’re flying us over, and we have so many luxurious surprises in store for us. I can’t wait! I’ve never been to Stockholm though, and Friday is all about shopping and dining. Any tips for which areas we should head to?♥
Nicole says
Kos deg i Stockholm!
Amelia says
So sweet coins! :) I have to give you compliment because of your nails, because as I can see on picture they are “real”. I like natural nails, in not too much big size. I have natural nails. And lucky me, they are strong so I don’t have need to put gel on them. Natural look is the best ;)
Have a nice trip with your girl. And ofcourse GREAT SHOPPING :) Haha, bye-bye dear Cathrine.
Aurora says
Når du er i Stockholm burde du stikke innom Grill. Det er en restaurant og bar som har helt nydelig mat i et fantastisk lokale. Vi feiret bursdagen til en venninne der i Desember, og vi fikk bord i en del av restauranten som var dekorert med blomstertapet, lysekroner, girlander og blomster – litt sånn overdådig barokk-stil. Det finnes alle typer stiler – hawaii i baren, sirkustema osv.
Servicen og maten var også helt upåklagelig! Jeg spiste tunfisk som jeg grullet selv på bordet, og det var helt fantastisk.
På linken kann du sjekke ut meny osv. Restauranten ligger i drottninggatan – helt øverst på motsatt side av slottet :)
Aurora says
Og shopping i Östermalm – Nybrogatan og Grev Turegatan!
Emma says
Är född och uppvuxen i Sthlm, detta är mina bästa tips på affärer jag tror att ni inte har i Norge: zara, topshop (Sergelgatan mycket större än den i gallerian!), brandy Melville, sephora, & other stories, Urban outfitters. Lite dyrare tips är nk, mathilde, mrs h, Marc by Marc Jacobs och Nathalie schuterman. Mysiga områden i Stockholm är gamla stan (fast det är 95 % turister där endast), Kungsholmen, Östermalm och Södermalm, dvs i princip hela innerstan. Bästa brunchen finns på kung Carls bakficka, bästa fro-yo i fro-yo stället i gallerian (dock alltid aslång kö!) och bästa frukost och lunch finns på nybrogatan 38. För middag gillar jag Capri på nybrogatan. Hoppas du får en bra helg i min favoritstad!
Diana Livia says
So exciting! Have never been to Stockholm, but have heard that it is very beautiful there.. Lots of good luck and joy:):)
cathrineheienberg says
Takk :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks sweetie :) Luckily I have strong nails too, they grow sooo fast :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks sweetie :)
cathrineheienberg says
Thanks for tips :)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for fantastiske tips :)
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for tips, kanskje jeg skal prøve å få booket et bord der :)