Christmas is right around the corner, and I’ve gotten some requests to do a present tips post. As always, your wish is my command, so here we go! I love love buying gifts, it’s so much more fun than shopping for myself. First of all, I have some general tips which I think are important.
♥ Start early! I always start around October with my Christmas present shopping, because I know that all the malls and stores will be crazy hectic once December arrives. Make sure to ask if your friend can exchange the gift after Christmas even though you’re buying it early.
♥ Write down a list with all the people you are buying gifts for, and set up a budget. How much money should you put into each person’s gift? Try to stick to it. When you’ve bought someone a present, write it down next to the person’s name on your list. This is especially important if you start early like me. I’ve experienced so many times that I’ve bought way too many things for each person, because I just forget what I’ve already bought them.
♥ A lot of things can be really overpriced in Norwegian stores, and ordering things online can be a way cheaper option. There’s no problem with ordering presents online, but remember two things. Order early!! Shipping can take so much longer than usual around Christmas, so I would seriously order now, just to be sure to get it in time. The other thing you should put in consideration is that the person who gets the gift probably can’t return it, so you should be pretty certain that this is something that the person will like.
♥ Be attentive, all year around! If my friends tell me things like “Oh my God, what’s that perfume you’re wearing? I love it!!” or “That lipgloss is just perfect, can I borrow some?”, things like that, I always take mental notes. What’s more fun than surprising your friends with something you know they’ll love?
♥ Do some research before you start your shopping. For instance; even though you think a huge bowl, vase or whatever, is pretty, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will fit into your friend’s home. That can actually become a little uncomfortable, because your friend will feel guilty if it’s not on display when you visit. So be sure to know what style she’s into before shopping! Same thing goes for things like skin care. Most girls have a brand that they really like and fits their skin, so a moisturizer from a different brand can often be left unopened. If you want to buy a moisturizer, check out what she already uses, or ask her casually if there’s any brands she likes.
♥ Be a little creative, remember Christmas cards and nice gift wrapping. Giving your friend a perfume for Christmas is great, but a cute card is what makes everything so much more personal. Christmas is a perfect time to get a little deep, and write personal and heart warming cards for the people you love. So, remember that! If you go to a craft store you can find all the supplies you need to make your very own card from scratch.
And now, time for some lovely present suggestions. This is meant for your girlfriends, sisters, mom etc. First up, super girly things that all girls like! Home spa supplies, pajamas, lingerie, perfumes etc. are all fabulous gifts. I personally love getting gifts like this at least. The moisturizing masque from Dermalogica is my favorite by the way!
Cute socks: Cubus // Dermalogica moisturizing masque: Here // Voluspa candle: I don’t know, where can I get these?? Haha. // Stella McCartney lingerie set: Here // Ole Henriksen skin care set: Here // Roberto Cavalli perfume: Here
My favorite type of gifts to both give and receive, is experiences that will be memories for life. Obviously it depends on your budget, but you can do this in every price range! If you can afford giving your friend a girl’s trip it’s fantastic, but if not, a homemade gift card for a nice dinner out, a trip to the movies etc, is also perfect. The girl’s trip Amalie and I went for to Kristiansand is seriously one of the most fun weekends I’ve ever had, it was such a bonding experience and a good time. Other than that you could get tickets for a concert, a comedy show, as I already mentioned a trip to the movies with dinner first.. Just an experience you can share together :) When giving gifts like this it’s very important to follow up on it though, take initiative and make it happen, so that you don’t just forget it once January come. A fab gift is also a gift card for a spa, where you either pick out a treatment that your friend can do, or just pay a certain amount of money and your friend can choose for herself. I’ve given gift cards from Wah Wah to my friends and mom for years, and it’s always been a success.
What girl doesn’t love accessories? Things like necklaces, rings, nail polishes etc. can be things you often forget to buy yourself, so I always think it’s fun to get presents like this. This is also perfect if you have a low budget, because you can find accessories in every price range.
Necklace: Here // Ring: Here // Bracelet: Here // Gloves: Here // Belt: Here // Caps: Here // Hair band: Here // Gold nail polish: Here // Burgundy nail polish: Here // Earrings: Here
As I mentioned, be sure that you have a clear idea of what style your friend likes first, but things for the home can be perfect presents. Cute beddings, picture frames (where you can add a cute picture of the two of you), coffee table books.. Perfect girly gifts!
Bedding: Here // Chanel book: Here // Kate Moss by Mario Testino book: Here // Louboutin book: Here // Zara Home scent sticks: Here // Zara picture frames: Here
Puh, that was a long post! I really hope you guys found it helpful :) Happy Christmas present shopping♥♥
Some of the links are adlinks
Oh, I love that bedding! I want it! lol
What a useful post, thanks lady! x
Super godt indlæg!!! :-)
Hei! ^^
Takk for supre gave-tips ^^
Voluspa lysene kan du ihvertfall kjøpe på Home&Cottage (Laksevåg senter :)).
Takk for tips! ;)
Voluspa lysene kan du kjøpe på nelly, der er de 100kr billigere enn på H&C pluss at de har bedre utvalg :)
Tusen takk for masse gode tips :)
Så bra innlegg, hjalp veldig. Jeg bare lurte på en ting – har du også gavetips til gutter? Pappa, bror, kjæreste osv, er så lett å bare ende opp med sokker eller slips hvert eneste år, haha. Tror kanskje de begynner å bli litt lei nå…
Takk for tips uansett! Tenkte nemlig å for en gangs skyld starte litt tidlig med julegaver i år, slik at når desember kommer så kan jeg bare sitte ned og slappe av mens jeg ser på at alle andre stresser. Hehe, kommer nok ikke til å skje, men jeg skal uansett prøve ;)
Åå, for noen supre tips! Blir litt lettere å handle nå.
Jeg lurte også på om du kunne gi meg noen gode kostholdstips til å gå ned i vekt? Du gjorde det jo for noen år siden, og du ser helt fantastisk ut! :) Jeg er veldig kresen når det kommer til grønnsaker og lignende, så føler meg litt lost…
Åååh, akkurat det jeg trengte! Nå som november er her, har jeg bestemt meg for å ikke utsette og utsette og utsette julegaver i år. Supert med tips fra noen som tydeligvis kan det :)
For et fantastisk innlegg! Tusen takk for supre tips :) Jeg foretrekker virkelig tips og innlegg fra bloggen din i stedet for å kjøpe magasiner! FLINKA <3
Jeg har kjøpt Voluspa på Pepper og Vincci en gang ihvertfall. Men vet ikke om de fortsatt fører det:)
Tusen takk for mange gode julgave-shopping tips!:-)
Utenom å spise sunt og å være aktiv har jeg egentlig ikke så mye å komme med. Dropp alt som heter slankekurer, men legg om livsstilen. Små grep her og der kan utgjøre store forskjeller :) Beveg deg hver dag, kutt ned på (eller ut) snop, chips og slike ting, og spis sunn og fresh mat :) Det er så masse godt å velge mellom! :)
Det kommer nok et innlegg om det også :) Så bra :D Klem
Litt sent men, tusen takk for et flott innlegg! Her var det mye bra, og jeg må si jeg syns du er myyye flinkere til å tipse og lage sånne her innlegg enn fotballfrue og andre toppbloggere, som ofte bare tar med materielle ting. Nå er jeg klar for julegaveshopping, og de første tipsene du kom med var forresten også veldig bra, jeg startet med denne listen over hvem og hva for 3 år siden og den har virkelig hjulpet meg! :)
Og på Xponella i Asker :)