December is right around the corner, and I’m almost done with all my Christmas present shopping. Because I have my last exam two days before Christmas, I had to start early this year. I thought I’d make a little guide for those of you who are struggling with what to get your friends, sisters or mom for the big day, and I hope you find something that can apply. Girls are so easy to shop for, and I think any girl would be thrilled to have one of these things waiting for her under the Christmas tree. I always make something myself as well though, in addition to buying something. Last year I bought cute jars and filled them up with my homemade granola (which my friends l-o-v-e-d), and the year before that I sewed makeup bags for them all. This year I probably won’t have time for any of that, but maybe you will? Personal gifts are always the best ones, but the stuff featured underneath comes pretty close..
1: Robe here – A robe is always a great option as a Christmas present. Who’s not thrilled to have something soft and comfy to wrap themselves in on cold winter mornings?
2: Slippers here – Along with a great robe, you need great slippers. These are only 88kr and the shipping is free, so this is a great option for a small gift.
3. Sexy lingerie from H&M – Because which girl doesn’t love something sexy underneath?
4. Alexa Chung IT here – A great coffee table piece, and a fun read from a super cool woman.
5. Candle holder from Kosta Boda – I have these and love them so much. Candle holders always work as presents in my opinion.
6. Fluffy pillows from H&M Home – Pillows for the bed or the couch is a great option. Just make sure that you really understand your friend’s taste before shopping. It’s so awkward to get something for the house that you don’t really like, and you feel like you need to use it for when your friend comes over. Don’t put her in that position! That goes for everything decor-wise.
7. Ring here – Another great small gift. I have this and I love mine!
8. Necklace here – Pretty jewelry is always a winner, especially if your friend is a girly girl.
9. Polaroid camera, Ebay – If you want to splurge, go for a polaroid camera! They’re about 700kr on Ebay, and perfect to capture bits and pieces of your friendship with.
10. Nailpolish here – Everyone loves nailpolish, but it can be so boring to spend money on it. A perfect gift, in other words.
11. Chanel books here – I have these as well, and I know you guys have been interested in where they’re from. These are so perfect for decoration! It’s a pack of three pretty books in one fancy Chanel case.
12. UGG slippers here – If you want to go all out, splurge on these amazing slippers from UGG. They’re on my wishlist for Christmas..
13. Perfume here – Perfumes are perfect gifts, just make sure you know what your friend likes so you don’t completely miss the mark.
14 + 15. here and here – For the sporty friend, nothing beats cute workout clothes! I wore this top here, it’s so cute and budget friendly. Especially with the matching bra!
16. Picture frame here – For a more personal gift, find a cute picture frame and put a picture of the two of you in it.
17. Beanie here – Beanies, mittens and scarfs are always great gifts for the winter time..
18. The Little Dictionary of Fashion by Dior here – Another book I have which I just love as a decoration piece. This one is pretty budget friendly too!
19. Voluspa candles here – I’m obsessed with my Voluspa candles, and in this pack you get three different candles which both look and smell fantastic.
20. Comfy lingerie by Calvin Klein here – This set is so comfortable, and not to mention super trendy right now.
1,7,11 and 13 are my favourites, I’d like to get them under the Christmas tree :D
Hellooo Cath!
I love everything in this post!!!! hahahah actually have a couple of the items :)
If you have time please check out our blog (we just started and would love to get some tips or feedback from someone that already knows :D )
Thank you so much! I love you!!!!
Hei! Jeg husker du for en stund siden la ut en liste over nettsider som solgte forskjellige typer art-prints. Kunne du linket til den? Har forsøkt med google en stund nå, men finner den ikke…. :)
Takk for mange gode tips! Husker du hvor du kjøpte glassene til granolaen din? :)
Jeg tror det var Åhlens :) Klem
Heihei. Jeg tror det var Ulrikke sitt innlegg du tenker på? :)
Thank you sweetie! I’ll check it out right now :)
Me too :)
Hei! Jeg tenkte å kjøpe det polaroid kameraet i gave til en venninne, men jeg bare lurte på om man må betale toll? Har du eventuelt noe erfaring med å få pakkene fra ebay markert som gave slik at man slipper tollen? Takk på forhånd!
Jeg vet dessverre ikke. Jeg bestilte mitt i går, men aner ikke om det blir toll eller ikke. Som oftest fra Ebay blir det ikke det siden de alltid krysser av for gave, men vanskelig å vite :/
Hei! Litt uten for tema, men jeg har nettopp startet på obagi kuren for å bli kvitt arr, og jeg husker for en tid tilbake så gikk du og på obagi. Fullførte du kuren? Ble du bedre etter 6 uker? Setter utrolig stor pris på svar:)
Heihei. Jeg holdt ut to uker, så orket jeg ikke flassingen mer! Håper den funker for det og at du ikke flasser like mye som jeg gjorde <3
Hands down den beste ønskelisten jeg har sett på lenge!
Lykke til med bedriften-eksamen i dag, hvis du har den :)
Snill du er! Jeg venter med bedriften og tar kun tre fag dette semesteret, så første eksamen blir i makroøkonomi neste onsdag. Men takk likevel :)
åå, har lyst på ALT :)
Samme heer :)