My Christmas present tips for friends and sisters. They cost from 49kr to 1.999kr, so there’s something for every budget :)
My favorite perfume, Flora by Gucci, can be found here // The bronzing set can be found here // The Opi nail polish can be found here // The smokey eye set can be found here // The GHD set can be found here
The earrings can be found here // The necklace can be found here // The silver ring can be found here // The gold ring can be found here // The pink bracelet can be found here // The silver bracelet can be found here // The gold long ring can be found here // The gold bracelet can be found here
The Adidas watch can be found here // The Fossil watch can be found here // The silver iPhone case can be found here // The Snakeskin iPhone case can be found here
The bag can be found here // The gloves can be found here // The scarf can be found here // The hat can be found here
I want all of the above for myself, is that wrong ;)
Tanks Cath! I was trying to come up with what I wanted for Christmas last night, but it’s so hard. Now on the other hand, I have some ideas for myself, but also my friends:)
Like etter jeg leste dette innlegget tok jeg en liten tur og surfet rundt p
Masse bra tips her :-D gleder meg til
Gode tips :)
Fossil-watches in my h<3art!
Her var det masse fine gavetips :)
Love the silver bracelets! XX
Bra tips, i alle fall det med
Herlige tips! Hva gir man personen som har alt av det jeg kommer p
Those ghd straighteners seem to be less expensive at ASOS :)