Do you guys remember the Christmas chandelier I made last December? I think it’s so cute, but now we have the gorgeous Lisbeth Dahl chandelier over our dining room table, so I simply didn’t have any place to hang it this year… this year it turned into coffee table decoration! I actually think it looks just as cute on the table as it did hanging from the ceiling. I ditched the candles on top of the chandelier, and just placed a bunch of them inside instead. I’m beyond obsessed with candles, haha. Doesn’t it look cute?
Excuse the mess under the coffee table by the way, it’s where I put everything from books to candles, magazines, dvd sets, nail polishes and what not, haha.
The old coffee table decoration that I also made last year had to find a new place to stay, and I actually think it looks better on this chest of drawers as it matches the color so perfectly.
I also thought I’d share some overview pictures of the dining room slash living room with you guys :) I love our home, I think it’s so cosy, but we’re about to change the TV area, I’ve never really been happy with it. Our ceiling is so high, so I just think it looks weird that there’s such a huge space of just white walls over the TV. I ordered a bunch of amazing artwork online which arrived yesterday, so as soon as I’m back from Geilo we’ll get picture frames and hang it up, and I’m planning to hang the TV on the wall as well. You guys will of course be the first ones to see the finished result :)
Oh, and for new readers who probably wonders what the ‘benches’ on each side of the room are: Our house used to be a huge pool, my grandfather had it made while he lived here (our house is in my parent’s garden), but my dad built it into a house about twenty years ago. The ‘benches’ are simply the edges of the pool. We have a little staircase right by the door, so when I step down into our living room it’s like I’m stepping in to the pool. Just except from all the water.. And the fact that there’s furniture in the pool. Okay, it’s not like stepping into a pool at all, but you get the picture. Before this was turned into a house that one could actually live in, everything was just a huge open space (none of the indoor walls were here or anything). All through my childhood it was like that. I have the most amazing memories from down here! At one point the whole thing was like an indoor soccer field, and at another point it was a table tennis court. Me and my siblings had lots of parties down here, and there’s actually an old Facebook group dedicated to the great parties that took place here, haha. When we were really little, the house was filled with couches and there was sort of a stage in the end (where our bedroom/walk in closet is now), and all the kids in the neighborhood would gather here, and the older kids would read stories to us out loud, while we were cuddled up in the couches. Behind the stage was a huge home theater installation where we would watch movies, and it felt just like actually going to the movies. We also had a karaoke system and speakers here at one point, and I always used to sing and dance on the stage with my friends after school. Oh my God, I’m rambling like crazy, it’s just that all these amazing memories popped up while I was writing this, and I haven’t really thought about all the cool things that took place here. I’ll shut up now! Enjoy your Friday night ladies<3
marcella says
wow, amazing pics
Camilla Rask says
paintings?!! why are there no paintings?!!
other than that – what a wonderful home with a wonderful history
Siw Hege says
Så fin dekorasjonen din var. Og kjenner meg så godt igjen i rotet under salongbordet. En god grunn til at jeg ønsker meg et nytt bord med skuffer, slik at det i hvertfall ikke ligger synlig.
Christina i London! says
Den ble superfin som bordpynt også! Jeg merker jeg er obsessed with candles selv om dagen :)
Helene says
Nei du, vet du hva, jeg elsker å lese slik “rabbling”! Mye bedre det, enn bare et bilde med en setning under :)
MaritBE says
Så utrolig fint du har det! Du er så flink ;-) Artig at det har vært ett basseng før ;-)
Magnhild says
Elsker når du bare “drar” oss inn i verdenen din når du skriver! Jeg ble helt opphengt i alle bildene som poppet opp i hodet mitt da jeg leste om hvordan huset ditt så ut før, og alt du opplevde der. Du er en så utrolig flink skribent og jeg elsker når du forteller oss lesere inn i privatlivet ditt på denne måten! Stå på Cathrine! :-) Hugs <3
Ine says
Så søt historie om huset deres! Hvor mange kvm er det?:) Ser forresten nydelig ut, du har så bra smak!
Eva says
Superkult at det har vært et basseng der før. Men dere må jo utnytte de unike “kantene” mer! Feteste hyllene :) Ser for meg så mye fint dere kan ha på de! Men herlighet så nydelig hjem dere har laget! Inspo! <3
Kirsti-Marie says
Hei kjære Cathrine!:)
Jeg følger bloggen din fast, men har aldri kommentert her før (#smekkpålanken), noe som jo er dumt når jeg VET hvor mye kommentarer faktisk betyr!:/
Jeg ville bare si at jeg gispet da jeg så disse bildene, og følte nesten en indre sinnsro, som om jeg endelig hadde kommet hjem. SÅ lekkert og delikat du har det! Me loves!<3
Syns forresten adventsstaken du har laget selv (flinkis!!!) var MINST like fin på bordet!:))
STOR klem til deg, og tusen takk for masse inspirasjon!
SaraLindsey says
I like you rambling, it is mostly so personal… it let’s us get to know you, as a person and not only as a pretty face with great clothes! Keep it up ;)
Birgit says
your home looks soooo pretty!! just wonderful! i would really love to have a home like this.
Bettina says
Oh my goodness your childhood sounds like so much fun; you are so lucky!!! I also love the beautiful Christmas decorations :) xx
Cathrine says
Gud for et vakkert hjem du har:)
jeg bare lurte på om du kunne svare på en ting hvis du har tid. Jeg sitter nå her da på desperat jakt etter en nyttårskjole, så tenkte jeg at jeg kunne spørre deg som har bestilt endel fra Asos og Ebay. Hvilke erfaringer har du med omtrent hvor lang tid shippingen har tatt?
Elin says
Hei! Vil bare si fra om at jeg ikke kommer inn på bloggen din når jeg skriver inn nettadressen i Firefox. Får feilmeldingen “Error establishing a database connection”. For å komme inn må jeg gå inn direkte på et tidligere innlegg og så bla meg frem til det nyeste, noe som kanskje ikke er helt heldig.
Synes kransen passet kjempegodt på bordet! Ha en fin førjulstid :-)
kristin says
Såå fint! Gleder meg til å pynte litt her hjemme også !
Julie H says
Du har et utrolig nydelig hjem, jeg elsker interiør”stilen” din! <3
Ha en flott desember videre!
cathrineheienberg says
Tuuuusen takk for nydelige ord <3 <3 Stor klem tilbake til deg skjønning <3<3
cathrineheienberg says
Tusen takk for fin kommentar <3<3
Synne says
Henriette says
Du har et fantastisk hjem ! <3
Hilde says
Så utrolig kult med all historien fra years gone by, i det som nå er deres leilighet! FY søren:)) Og det ser stunning ut som alltid!
ElisabethH says
Samme her. Men det er verdt de ekstra klikkene altså – bare tenker det er sikkert greit å vite for deg. :)
Jeanette says
Jeg digger de spisestuestolene! Kan jeg spørre hvor de er fra?
cathrineheienberg says
Living :)