Hi my loves! It’s time for another Tuesday Ten, and since yesterday was the first official day of spring, I thought I’d share some plans for the spring with you guys. I’m so excited for lighter and brighter days now, how about you?! Let’s dive right into it ♥
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Hei mine fine! En ny tirsdag betyr en ny utgave av Tuesday Ten, og siden gårsdagen var den første offisielle vårdagen tenkte jeg at det passer fint med litt planer for våren i ukens innlegg. Jeg er så utrolig giret på lysere og varmere tider, hva med dere?! Som sist skriver jeg punktene på engelsk slik at det ikke blir så rotete, men jeg håper dere vil lese likevel. Enjoy ♥
10 things I want to do this spring
1. Log off. I’ve become quite good at this after I had it as my New Years Resolution, but I want to keep it up and get even better this spring. Every night when I’m watching a series with my boyfriend or hanging out with friends, I put my phone on night mode. You know that moon symbol? I’ve selected a few people who will get through even though it’s on night mode, so I can relax without worrying that it’s anything important. Every night when my friends try to get a hold of me, I text them back «Sorry, had my phone on moon». It happens all the time, but it feels gooood, especially since I get work emails and notifications on my phone all the time around the clock.
2. Experiment in the kitchen and the barbecue. I always want to improve my cooking skills, and when the weather allows it I want to try new recipes on the barbecue as well as in the kitchen. I get so inspired by all the Tastemade videos on Facebook, and I always save their recipes on Pinterest so that I can find them quickly. I’ve become better at experimenting in the kitchen this year, and I’ve made so many delicious dishes. I mostly cook at nighttime though, when it’s too dark to take pictures for the blog. But lighter times will probably mean more recipes! Yesterday I whipped together some pancakes without sugar and flour that turned out ah-maaaazing, so I might need to make that again today so that I can share pictures and the recipe with you guys.
3. Take a trip. I don’t know where yet, but Amalie and I have been talking about Paris. Next weekend I’m headed to Copenhagen, so that will be nice! Do you have any recommendations for good weekend trip spots in Europe?
4. Paint the house. This was on last year’s list too, but it rained all freakin’ spring and summer long, so we didn’t get to do it. I’m crossing my fingers for better weather this time around!
5. Build a terrace. This was also on my list last year, and also stopped by the endless rain. I really want to get it going, and make a cozy spot outside where we can chill, wine and dine when the weather allows it!
6. Out with the old – in with the new! I haven’t decided if I want to do another pop up shop, or just post clothes online, but I have a lot to sell, and I need to get it going! I think I’ll start posting some stuff this week, I’ll keep you posted.
7. Experiment more with fashion. After hopefully selling off a lot of stuff, I want to do a little shopping spree! I’ve shopped so little this winter, and now I’m excited to freshen up my wardrobe with wonderful spring pieces. I also want to try new things when it comes to fashion, and not always go for the safe versions. There are so many beautiful trends this spring!
8. Sew my own dresses. Several times I’ve become so eager to sew stuff, and I head out and buy tons of pretty fabric. Then it’s just the actual sewing part.. Long story short – I have a shitload of fabric here at the house, and I almost haven’t sown anything, haha. Yesterday I suddenly saw this and this post with the lace robe I made, and it got me inspired to start sewing again. A perfect activity for a rainy day!
9. Hike up Ulriken. It’s my favorite mountain in Bergen, and it’s a short but rough climb to the top. By short I mean 30-45 minutes on the way up, so I guess it’s not that short, but maaan how my legs shake in the car on my way home every single time. For spring I want to go a lot, it’s the best feeling to stroll up there with the beautiful view of my city behind me!
10. Buy a Soda Stream. This is probably a silly one, haha, but I’m so eager to get one. My friend Kristin has one, and she makes the most delicious drinks with it. I’m so addicted to Pepsi Max, and I’m really sick of buying it all the time, carrying the heavy bottles, and having a shitload of empty Pepsi Max bottles at the house. A Soda Stream is a perfect and delicious alternative! All you need to do is fill up the tank with water, add sparkly bubbles with the Soda Stream, then add some flavor with for instance Fun Light. So genius!
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What are your plans this spring?♥