Hi lovelies♥ Sorry for the late update today! My jetlag made me sleep in for way too long, and when I woke up I hurried off to watch my cousin swim the final in the championship which is going on in Bergen right now. He is soo good, and won the junior class!! So fun to see, he’s gonna be huge, I just know it :) So anyway, I thought I’d share some pics from Ground Zero, it’s always emotional to visit but also fun to see how far they’re coming along with the new buildings. As I go to New York quite often, I always head down there to see the progress. Now they’re almost done, maybe it’ll be finished the next time I return to the city. I definitely recommend a visit if you’re ever in New York!
It’s impossible to hold back the tears when looking at all this..
The new building, Freedom Tower!
And my look for the day.. I’ll share more pics of the outfit tomorrow, right now I have to run again as we’re celebrating my dad’s birthday with fam and friends. Wishing everyone a wonderful evening♥♥