Jacket: H&M // Top: Asos // Skirt: Zara // Boots: Bianco // Bag: Louis Vuitton
Before heading to the airport yesterday, Kristina was kind enough to snap a few pics of my outfit. I always love hanging out with other bloggers, because they know the importance of pictures. And they all know that if I ask if they can take a picture of me, I mean can you take at least twenty. Hah. On most of the pictures Kristina snapped I just laughed though, because she’s the funniest photographer ever! She seriously poses while she takes pictures, and smiles, tilts her head, pouts a little bit, then smiles again, when she’s the one taking pictures of me!
Oh, and remind me not to shoot outfits on Karl Johan ever again. It must be the busiest street in Norway (think Times Square in New York just w-a-y less cool), it’s so freakin’ crowded! On almost all the outfit pictures there were tons of tourists, kids, cyclists ++, so I know these are not the best pictures, I simply had to choose the ones with a limited amount of people behind me. Aaanyway, I hope you’re all enjoying the day! This is a prewritten post, as I’m spending the night at a concert with the other new students at my school. See you tomorrow♥♥