Coat: Here // Crop sweater: Here // Skirt: Zara // Bag: Nelly (sponsored)
Hi my loves! Here’s the full look from yesterday’s shopping spree with Kristin. I have to say, I’ve never experienced such difficulties shooting an outfit ever before! After about 5 pictures Kristin started complaining about her finger cramping from shooting so much, and she found photography to be the most difficult thing ever (and she’s a nurse, so she’s got brains, hah). Half of the pictures ended up being out of focus, and the other half didn’t include my face, haha. Sorry K, I love you, but you should never ever opt for being a photographer!
So anyways, I’ve spent the day so far cleaning and doing some studying, and now I thought I’d make a few blogposts for the day as I won’t be home later. We’re going to the Brann match, and I couldn’t be more excited! We always watch the matches on TV, but today is such a big day that we just had to go. I love soccer, and I haven’t been at a match for so long, so this will be super fun! Other than that, I’m filled with energy after two fun days with my friends. I’ve laughed so hard that my stomach hurts today, which is the best feeling! A little tips for you; Turn on slow motion recording on your iPhone, and start dancing, making funny faces, jump around and be crazy. Watching it all in slow motion afterwards is the funniest thing ever!
Have a great day loves♥ says
superfint :) og jeg elsker den veska ! –
Natali says
Perfect coat and bag! You look beautiful!
Mira says
Cathrine, har du noen tips når det gjelder å bestille fra Sheinside? Måtte du betale toll på denne, f.eks? Og har de lang leveringstid? Veldig fin jakke, lyst på selv!
Anna says
Er det lov å flire av at jeg leste “cameltoe” da jeg så innlegget for første gang?
x says
Hahah veldig lov :) says
Jeg har aldri betalt toll. Det er et leveringsalternativ der du ikke får tollregning, aner ikke hvordan de får det til :O Ikke særlig lang leveringstid nei, tror det tok ca 1-2 uker da jeg bestilte sist :) Klem says
Thanks<3 says
Tusen takk :)
Mira says
Så supert, da tror jeg jammen jeg skal teste det ut :) Tusen takk for svar! says
Bare hyggelig :)
liz says
amazing outfit says
Thank you :)
Lisa says
Lurer på hvilken størrelse du bestilte?:) og hva synes du om stoffet og tykkelsen i jakka? Noen ulemper? :)
Drea Kay says
Så nydelig! Fresh og vakker du er.
CathInTheCity says
Tusen takk♡
GlassesShop says
Perfect coat and bag!
CathInTheCity says
Thanks ♥