You know those days where you think you have all the time in the world, then you’re suddenly like ‘Shit, it’s 5pm already!!’. I’m having one of those days, so suddenly I have a million things to do in a hurry before my sister’s girl’s dinner in two hours. I thought I’d give you a little budget tips first though :) Sometimes I feel like who I really am as a person doesn’t translate that well on the blog, because often all I show is the ‘glam and glitter’. Lash extensions here, an eyebrow waxing there, hair appointments, skin care treatments and what not. I mean, it’s no secret that I get these things for free, before that I didn’t do those sorts of things nearly as often as now. If I had a little extra money saved up one month, I treated myself to some skin care at Wah Wah, but I’m a huge fan of budget solutions, and still am. The reality for me right now, is that I can email any salon I want, and probably get any treatment I want for free. But you know what? I think it’s much more fun to try to do things myself. It’s also more fun to tell you guys about, because I know that not everyone have cash to spend on their looks. So anywho, there’s this thing that has annoyed me a bit lately. Maybe it’s a tabu thing to say, but I don’t care; Facial hair! It’s not really a problem for me in general, but I’ve noticed these light hairs over my eyebrows. and when I’m tan, they’re pretty visible. Powder caked up in them, and I just felt like it looked.. I don’t know, dirty. I found these home waxing strips at Vita for like 60kr, and decided to give it a go. I seriously love the result, and they were so easy to use, totally idiot proof. You simply heat them up between your hands for five seconds, apply it to where you want to wax, and rip it off quickly against the direction the hair is growing. Since they’re totally straight, it was easy to apply them all the way down to where my actual eyebrows start. There’s twenty strips in one package, and the result holds up to four weeks. I did one strip on top of each of my eyebrows, and one in the middle. Now the skin over the eyebrows is totally smooth and hairless! I didn’t have the balls to do it under my eyebrows though, I’m sticking to my Fred Hamelten tweezer for that area.
Now I actually prefer waxing my eyebrows at home, because I can control how much is being waxed. You can also use these strips over the lips if you have hair there, in your armpits and on the bikini line, but I think I’m sticking to only the eyebrows for now. So, point is, these are really really good and you should try them if you’re in need of a little wax :)
Thanks for the tip!! I think I’ll give them a go… :)
Søte du:) Prøvde å lage den gelè-tingen din, men min ble bare is når jeg tok den ut:( Har du noen anelse om hva jeg har gjort feil? Hvor lenge avkjøler du den? Og er det kun de gelatinplatene som skal over, ikke vannet de har ligget i? Skulle jeg ha dekket den til med noe i fryseren ala folie eller noe? Jeg SKAL få det til slik som du.
Har disse selv, i like !
Hei! Lurte på om du ville skrive et innlegg om innredning og sånt? Så bildene av rommet ditt og ble helt forelsket! Utrolig koselig og mange smarte løsninger:D Elsker bloggen din;)
Hei:) vet du om hårene vokser veldig fort tilbake?
fantastisk innlegg! du er så ærlig, og vil det beste for leserne dine, det kan vi like!!:) elsker at du poster fyldige. kvalitets innlegg. skal definitivt prøve dette.. forresten, har du testet de stripsene (eller noe) fra Vita mot hudormer? De funker veldig bra på meg, så hvis du ikke har prøvd dem – kanskje du kan teste, og skrive om de?:) selv om jeg vil tro at du ikke har noen hudormer, for huden din gløder :D
Det skal holde opp til fire uker :)
Så hyggelig å høre! Det er jo det som er gøy :) Nei jeg har ikke prøvd de, men må teste!! Tusen takk for det, men slipper ikke unna jeg heller :/
Absolutt :D Tusen takk :)
Hmm, tok du den i frysen? Gelen skal bare i kjøleskapet! :)
Aw what a star! Thank you so much for the tip – I’ve not seen these before, but will definitely pick some up next time I swing by Boots :-) x
This is my very fist comment at your blog, but I just had to tell you how much I enjoy reading it! You are seriously the coolest blogger ever! I really love your honesty and the fact that you know that we, your readers, can’t afford all those fancy beauty treatments and stuff – so this post really made me smile (not that all the others don’t, but still) ;-)
Keep blogging the way you do now, you amazing girl.
– Smiles from a Danish reader!
Good tips!! Will definitely go buy some and give it a try!!
Thank you so much for your wonderful words!! Makes me so happy :) Thank you <3
HVOR har du kjøpt disse øyevippene dine?? de var perfekt!! :D
Takk takk, kjøpte i Florida men de har de på Lindex, fra Ardell :) Klem