27, October 2011 | 10:34Breast Cancer Awareness 14 Comments | Fashion Okay, so I know that I’m super late with this post! I thought I had published it, as I wrote it in the beginning of October.. But I just realized that it was still just a draft.. Well, better late than never!! So here’s the post :) Hi
Amalia says 27, October 2011 | 14:15 at 14:15 Thanks for sharing :)Lovely idea! Check my Blog http://alittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/ and on-line store http://shopalittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/ !! :) Log in to Reply
Thea i London! says 27, October 2011 | 17:28 at 17:28 Det er et veldig viktig tema, ja! Jeg tror det er mange som ikke inseer hvor viktig det er f Log in to Reply
Nina C. says 27, October 2011 | 19:32 at 19:32 Kjempe bra at du skriver om dette. It better late than never! S Log in to Reply
Jeg har har deltatt :D bra du gj
Deltar selvf
det er en selvf
Jeg deltar! Kjempeflott:)
Flott intiativ!
Thanks for sharing :)Lovely idea!
Check my Blog http://alittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/
and on-line store http://shopalittlebitofshine.blogspot.com/ !! :)
Deltar! Og har f
Jeg har loket rundt p
Veldig bra, dette er s
Det er et veldig viktig tema, ja! Jeg tror det er mange som ikke inseer hvor viktig det er f
Loving your good cause!
Kjempeviktig innlegg, og s
Kjempe bra at du skriver om dette. It better late than never! S
Litt sent ute selv, med