Hi Cath! I’m from Portugal and I absolutly LOVE your blog. You are gorgeous and I love your style, I check your blog every single day, words can’t describe how much I love it. Anyways, remember when you did a post about “Smile Lab” …you know…the teeth whitening? I’m considering on trying it, but I still have some doubts and if you could explain it to me that would be awesome! Here it goes: does the “white effect” on the teeth lasts? I mean, after you use this theeth whitening the white only lasts for a couple of weeks or… it is “forever”? And do the white shopts on our teeth really disapear? My teeths are not half of white as yours so i’m so afraid the white spots will not disappear for some reason!!!!!!
Thank you for answering me. Much love for you <3333
Hei søte du!
Bare et spørsmål om Asos, mener å huske at du handler der:P
Når du skal bekrefte handelen, hvilken levereringstid bruker du, om du skjønner hva jeg mener?
“UK- Style, UK- Standard, UK- Next Day” osv. :)<3
Thank you so much for your sweet comments! So cool to have readers in Portugal :) I don’t know how long it lasts, as I just did it.. :/ Maybe you can try googling it? I know that it’s not forever, but maybe a few years? The white spots disappear really fast, the same day :) Much love right back atcha <3
så søte!
Likte dem spesielt godt i lyst! Sukkersøte :)
Åå de der er SÅ nydelige.. skulle ønske jeg var noen cm lavere så jeg kunne bruke de :( *høyekompleks* :(
Hi Cath! I’m from Portugal and I absolutly LOVE your blog. You are gorgeous and I love your style, I check your blog every single day, words can’t describe how much I love it. Anyways, remember when you did a post about “Smile Lab” …you know…the teeth whitening? I’m considering on trying it, but I still have some doubts and if you could explain it to me that would be awesome! Here it goes: does the “white effect” on the teeth lasts? I mean, after you use this theeth whitening the white only lasts for a couple of weeks or… it is “forever”? And do the white shopts on our teeth really disapear? My teeths are not half of white as yours so i’m so afraid the white spots will not disappear for some reason!!!!!!
Thank you for answering me. Much love for you <3333
Superfine! I want! :)
Så søte de var!
De var kjeeempe søte, vil ha!
De kremfargede var altfor fine. Så synd at er utsolgt :o
Hei søte du!
Bare et spørsmål om Asos, mener å huske at du handler der:P
Når du skal bekrefte handelen, hvilken levereringstid bruker du, om du skjønner hva jeg mener?
“UK- Style, UK- Standard, UK- Next Day” osv. :)<3
Jeg tar express delivery :) Den som koster ca 100kr :) Klem
OMG SO CUTE!!! love the cream one!
Cuuuuuuuuuteeee :D
Must have!
Utrolig fine! Liker mixen av det søte og litt røffere i dem :) Får håpe våren snart kommer til Bergen ;)
De var skikkelig fine!
Love them both!!!
Love love love these!!
OMG, de var såååå søte, de hvite er perfekt for sommeren!
hvordan fikk du blogg hos modette ? :-)
så fine sko!
Åfysøren, at jeg ikke har fått med meg de :o super fine :-)
Jeg ble spurt :)
Thank you so much for your sweet comments! So cool to have readers in Portugal :) I don’t know how long it lasts, as I just did it.. :/ Maybe you can try googling it? I know that it’s not forever, but maybe a few years? The white spots disappear really fast, the same day :) Much love right back atcha <3
Nydelige sko! :)
Jeg har vært på skoshopping to dager på rad uten å finne noe.. Vil liksom ikke kjøpe om jeg ikke finner et par jeg elsker.. Får prøve igjen imarra :P
Så utrolige søte de var! :-) Likte de hvite best!