Jacket and skirt: H&M // Top: Here // Heels: Zara // Bag: Alexander Wang // Necklace: ByBenedicthe
For my #HMspringselfie I dressed up in my favorite H&M pieces. Of course you couldn’t see that in the selfie, haha, so I thought I’d share the full outfit pictures we snapped today. Everyone who lives in Bergen knows what I’m talking about when I say that the weather has been b-a-d today. A storm combined with what feels like a year’s worth of rain in one day, spring my ass.. Bah. But, being the stubborn girl that I am, an outfit consisting of open heels, a skirt and a thin top had to be shot, no matter how bad the weather was, haha. I feel so sorry for my boyfriend slash my photographer sometimes. I had to change for more practical clothes for my meeting downtown, but sometimes I think it’s fun to shoot what I want to wear, not necessarily the rain-and-storm-proof clothes that I need to wear.
Other than that, the meeting went great, but here’s the thing: We could choose between a gorgeous room that was just remodeled, which was super pretty, and a less modern room but still light and spacious. If we went for the first option, we’d have to set everything up Sunday morning, and you guys would have to wait out in the rain before the shop opens. For the second option, we could set everything up on Saturday, aand all of you could wait inside and stay dry. We went for the second option, so you guys can stay dry and safe (there’s no sidewalk outside, hah). I’ll show you lots of pictures once we’re done setting everything up on Saturday, I’m so excited!!!!♥
Gorgeous monochrome outfit!
Great choice! This bag is awesome :)
Fine bilder du tar Cathrine!
superfiint !
Du er så utrolig inspirerende i klesstilen! Hver gang jeg går inn på bloggen din får jeg inspirasjon til hvordan jeg kan kle meg. Liker veldig godt den minimalistiske og “casual” looken din, spesielt når du har converse eller jeans :) Kunne du kanskje laget et innlegg hvor du viser hvor jeansene dine er fra? Ser ut som de alltid sitter bra!
– Ida
Tusen hjertelig takk, det betyr så masse for meg å høre. Nå ble jeg kjempeglad :) Det kan jeg godt gjøre :) Stor klem
Takk :)
Thanks :)
Thank you :)
Such a beautiful outfit! I have to admit, the new collection of H&M is so amazing this season.
Love the shoes btw. But it’s not the first time I say this haha:)
Så utrolig fin du var her :-)) og kul!
du kler slike antrekk veldig godt – ikke minst slike skjørt. Får litt lyst på et slikt et selv jeg.
Du ser helt smashing ut! :) Jeg bor ikke i området, men ønsker dere lykke til med salget :)
Vil det bli delt ut armbånd med klokkeslett, slik som det ble gjort forrige gang? For å holde kontroll på hvem som var først osv? :)
Gleder meg masse!
I have the same skirt. I love it
Have a nice day sweetie
Hvor er solbrillene dine fra? <3
Dette var superfint! Elsker svart og hvitt sammen :) Hvor er solbrillene fra, forresten?
Takk søte :) Urban Outfitters :)
Urban Outfitters :)
Vi gjør ikke det denne gangen :) Nå er det ganske stort lokale så det er plass til mange flere, og så er det stort venteområde inne så ingen trenger å stå ute og fryse og bli våte. Så tenkte det ikke var nødvendig :) Kjempeglad for at du kommer :D
Tusen takk<3
Me too!! Likewise :) :)
Tusen takk søte <3
Thank you sweetie :)
Nydelig antrekk <3