Skirt and sweater: H&M // Necklace: By Benedicthe // Bag: Chanel // Sunnies: Asos
Hi superstars! We managed to shoot a few pics of today’s look right before the sun went down, in a very weird light which made it impossible to show you how pretty the color of this sweater is. Black, gold and mustard has been the color palette of the day, but right now I’m about to change into my workout gear to go for a run. The fact that it gets dark at 4pm and my terrible fear of the dark is a very bad combination. Whenever it’s dark outside I always think an axe killer is right behind me, so I get totally freaked out. Now that I’m going for a run that might be a good thing though, as it makes me run that much faster, haha. After that the plan is to work through all the unanswered emails I have lined up, and prepare for a meeting with the bank tomorrow for our new project. Fun! I hope you’re all enjoying the day♥
Søt genser! :)
Takk, elsker den :)
Så fin du er <3 er det lenge siden du kjøpte genseren ?
Takk søte <3 Nei bare noen dager siden :)
Så fin! Kan du like til skjørtet ditt og hvilke str har du? Er det laget av “scuba”?
Love the color combination, you look gorgeous :)
Takk :) Jeg fant det i butikk, så jeg har ikke link. Jeg har str 34 :) Ja :)
Thank you sweetie :)
Så fin du var i den fargen! :-)
Takk skjønning :)
For et nydelig antrekk!!:) knallfint:)
Beautiful! And I love the nails too :)
så fin genser!! er det lenge siden du kjøpte den, og hvor mye kostet den? og hvilken størrelse har du forresten? :)
Vakker! Hvilke strømpebukser bruker du? Du som går i skjørt i kulden :-)
Nothing better to relax reading blogs (yours especially) after a looong day working on my bachelor degree.
Perfect Mix
So beautiful as always!!
I need that skirt!!
can´t wait to see your new mobile phone, I need some tips,I need a new phone
I am thinking maybe iphone 5s.
what is your opinion about iphone?
thank you , you are so sweet always
Jeg har akkurat samme problemet med løping nå som det er så mørkt. Jeg må ha med mobil og plukker opp en stein og er klar til å kjempe for livet når jeg ser noen skumle personer. Hehe. Noen ganger er det bedre å være paranoid enn naiv ;-)
What a lovely, sunny yellow color.
åh, superfint antrekk !
For et fantastisk antrekk! Spesielt genseren <3
Du er så fin i nederdel. jeg var i Oslo i Weekenden, og prøvede den stribede nederdel fra bikbok, men kæresten synes ikke den var noget, øv. Men kom hjem med en masse andre skønne ting :D Dejlig by <3
Pia Sabine
LOVE it! Great color on you:> :-)
Georgeous! <3 Do you have any tips on tucking sweaters in to skirt without it looking horrible? I feel like if I have a chunky sweater it is impossible to tuck it partially under the skirt without looking just clumsy.. :D
Thank you :) Haha I know that can be a challenge. This one has a cropped fit, so no tucking was necessary. Unfortunately I don’t have any good tips other than looking for cropped sweaters :/
Thank you sweetie :)
Takk :) Så bra! Håper dere koste dere i Oslo :)
Tusen takk søte du :)
Takk :)
Thank you, I love this color :)
Hahaha uff. Absolutt!
Thank you sweetie :) I love iPhones!! Right now I’m testing the new Nokia Lumia 1020 :)
Thank you, so nice to hear :) Good luck on your Bachelor!! :)
Tusen takk :) Jeg sverger til Cubus sine i 100den. Elsker de!! :)
Tusen takk :) Kjøpte den for noen dager siden, tror den kostet 499kr. Har størrelse XS :)
Thank you :*
Thanks :)
Tusen takk :)
Det var en nydelig farge til deg:)
Takk :)
Haha okay thank you. I just have to look for the cropped ones. I recently bought one from Brandy Melville which is thin enough so it works very well with a skirt. It is just a shame that some sweaters that would be nice with a skirt just look right.. :) But I guess there are bigger problems in this world haha. Thanks anyway!
You look great! That sweater looks really warm it looks really cold out there. I don’t have too much experience with that weather since its mostly warm and sunny here in southern California.
Besos from Cali!
For en nydelig farge, du kledde den kjempegodt :) Veldig gøy å se så mange fine bilder og farger på bloggen din om dagene, det hjelper virkelig på humøret :)
Tusen takk skjønning, så hyggelig å høre :)
I know, I’ve been so frustrated because of the whole ‘tuck-in-the-sweater’ situation myself, but yes, there probably are bigger problems in the world, hahah. :)
Thank you sweetie :) I’m so jealous of you, enjoy the warm weather <3
You always look so smashing!
So inspiring :D
Thank you sweetie <3
I Love the jumper !!!!! really nice colour!!!! But here in Nederland .. not possible to find !!!!!!!!! :( Love the outfit :))))
Hi Cath! Great blog you have! I love that outfit and the jumper is beautiful!I am really in lycee with it … But I don’t find it in Nederland :( :)))
Thank you sweetie! Unfortunately the sweater is a year old :/
Thank you sweetie :) I think it was pretty new, so maybe it’ll come in soon :)