Waiting for the birthday girlie..
She arrived looking as gorgeous as ever!
These girls♡
Yummy pizza at «Ferdinand på Engen».
♡ Happy birthday ♡
Some snapshots from our super cozy birthday brunch yesterday! It was such a great day, and the night ended up being just as fun. As always, the food at the tapas night was unbeatable, and the boardgames were so much fun. I usually hate competitions, but at the board game «Alias», where you’re supposed to explain a word to your team and they have to guess what it is, I’m such a worrier. We played girls against boys, and I laughed so hard. The boys were adorable! Like when one of them had to explain the word experience, and went “Umm, ok. If you f*ck a lot, what do you get?”. Hahaha! Needless to say, we beat them by embarrassingly many points, so I was super happy.
Yestreday was one of the best day of the summer for me! I got to spend it with so many great friends, had so many good laughs, my bestie Tonje came home from Oslo for the night, and the sun was shining! Today the rain is pouring down again, but I’m still on cloud nine from yesterday♡
Noen snapshots fra gårsdagens bursdagslunch! Det var en så fin dag, og kvelden endte opp med å bli akkurat like fin. Som alltid var maten på tapaskvelden helt vidunderlig god, og den deilige middagen ble etterfulgt av kubb i hagen og brettspill. Jeg eier ikke konkurranseinnstinkt, men akkurat i Alias er jeg en skikkelig kriger. Der MÅ jeg vinne! Vi spilte jentene mot guttene, og jeg husker ikke sist jeg lo så mye. Guttene var alt for søte i deres forsøk på å slå oss, som når en av dem skulle forklare ordet erfaring, og forklarte det slik: “Ok, hvis du p*ler mye, hva får du da?”. Hahaha! Jeg trenger vel ikke å si at vi knuste de ned i støvlene, men det gjorde vi, og jeg var superhappy!
Gårsdagen var faktisk en av de beste dagene jeg har hatt i sommer. Jeg fikk sett så mange fine venner, ledd, vært med bestevenninnen min Tonje som var hjemme en snartur i går kveld, og solen tittet til og med frem! I dag er det tilbake til pøsregn, men det gjør ingenting, jeg lever enda på den fine gårsdagen♡
Chris says
Hahaha, I think if I had gotten that explanation.. I would have thought he was referring to an STD :D
CathInTheCity says
Haha me too!!
sammie says
Guys can be so lost when you’re playing such games. Some friends of mine also always come up with the most hilarious explanations or descriptions,it makes me question a lot of things haha
But it seems like you’ve had quite a wonderful brunch :)
CathInTheCity says
Haha I know, so funny ♡
Liz says
looks like you had so much fun!
CathInTheCity says
We did ♡
Pinja says
Absolutely gorgeous pictures, you’re all so pretty! And Alias is so much fun even though I suck at it haha! :D
CathInTheCity says
Thank you so much ♡
Marilou says
Hi Cath. I love your dress, where is it from please :)? thank you
CathInTheCity says
Thanks babe :) H&M ♡
Marilou says
Thanks for always responding, you are the SWEETEST blogger ever. I just ordered it :) Yay!
CathInTheCity says
I LOVE communicating with you guys, so of course I’ll answer♡ Thank you so much♡
Liv says
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Here’s to another fabulous year.
CathInTheCity says