Hi lovelies!! I just came home from the mountain hike from hell.. And not just because of the horrible rain.. We saw a dog way in front of us, and it just sat completely still, it was so strange.. When we came up to where the dog sat, we saw that the poor girl shivered and shivered, but she didn’t move.. She didn’t have a collar or anything, and we hadn’t seen anyone else on the mountain, so we didn’t know what to do.. Then I suddenly saw another one, right besides it.. It was dead :( Both me and Tonje almost burst into tears, it was so awful!! Since they didn’t have any collars on, my guess is that they’ve run away from home.. But I just don’t get it! How can this happen? I don’t understand how the poor dog died.. A man came and helped us, but the other dog ran away and into the woods.. :( She had a severe limp on one of her legs, and I just pray to God that she ran home.. Even though she headed for the thick woods.. Ah, awful!!! Breaks my heart!!!! We walked around for an hour and looked for the dog, but she was nowhere to be seen.. If any of my sweet readers know anyone who are missing two Pointer-looking dogs, one black and one white/brown, you might want to let them know.. Found at Sm
Uff, noe s
that must have been terrible! if it as me i wouldn’t have known what to do…i just hope like you that something bad didn’t happen to the other dog :/ and yes on the bright side even thought it must be hard to be positive after such an experience i love your jacket! :-D
This bag is amazing, love it <3
Oh no, thats awfull! I’m such a dog-lover I don’t know if I cold have coped with that. Hope the owners find the other one though! Must feel horrible to be out in the woods like that all alone :/ But anyway, tears aside, you did what you could, Cath ;)
Si ifra til bt/ba!!
hope its fine :( hate to see those poor things hurt or alone :
Offa meg, det var trist
Du har s
Oh my goodness Cath!! I’m so sorry to hear that your wednesday is just unfortunate. That’s sweet of you and Tanje to care for the dog that has already passed away. You have such a kind, gentle heart <3 Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day
Det var min mor sine hunder:( De stakk av i 10 tiden. Da vi fant de i ca 7 tiden hadde de da v
Jeg er helt forferdelig lei meg p
Takk for det. Du virker som en veldig snill og god jente. Takker nok en gang for det du klarte og hjelpe med. Er utrolig glad vi fant begge 2 men utfallet var ikke slik vi h
Uff for en trist dag det m
Neii, s
ThereseBergen: eg trekk tilbake det siste avsnittet eg skreiv. Grunna erfaring fr
Huff, s
Off, felte noken t