One of my absolute favorite places to shop in NY is the Anthropologie store in Chelsea Market. They have everything from clothes and beddings, to books and gorgeous kitchen supplies. It if wasn’t for my limited luggage space, I probably would have bought half the store!! These pretty things came home with me though. How gorgeous is this doorknob?! It will go on the door between the living room and the bedroom.
I fell in love with these elephant hooks when I saw them in Ulrikke’s new apartment, and just had to have them. Love love love!
They’re perfect for my new oven mitts from Lexington.
I don’t know it this is really really good, or really really bad, but I just found out that they have an online store that ships to Norway!! You can find the elephant hooks here and the doorknob here. Now I’m gonna have to channel my inner self discipline expert, because this store just has too many pretty things.. Now it’s back to work, I’m almost done with my column, yay! I’m also working on changing my blog design, about time, huh? I better get to it, later I’m off to a family dinner and then I’m headed down to Amalie’s. Hope you’re all having a relaxing Sunday♥
great stuff!
I love the doorknobs!! They are pretty damn fantastic!! ;)
xo Andrea
Wonderful and Marvelous
Takk for tips :D Det må definitvt sjekkes ut når jeg skal til NY i januar! :)
I just found your blog, its great :) i love your hair , especially the loosed tail…can you please do a tutorial ? :)))
Thank you :) I just curl my hair with a straightening iron and brush lightly through it :)
oh my god so many pretty things <3 and the best is they do also ship to germany, yeeees :)
Really beautiful doorknobs. Remember to change the keyhole plate too so it matches :)
Love your blog :)
I love the door knobs but I especially love the elephant hooks!
Takk, takk, takk for tips!
Wow, kjempe fint! Dør kula var rå søt! :)
Så stilige!
Åh, elsker alt! Satt og håpte at de ikke hadde nettbutikk mens jeg så på bildene.. Meen dette kan jo kanskje bli litt vanskelig!