Thanks for all the contributions to my giveaway! It’s amazing how many compliments I get when I have giveaways, tihi. I love it!! The winner is Lisa Marie, you’ve been emailed sweetie! Lots more giveaways are coming up this fall, like more Shopbop giftcards! Stay tuned :) I’m off to lick some sun at Brun&Blid, I’m too pale to function right now!! I try to visit B&B as rarely as I can, I just do it a couple of times a year.. But right now, it’s really necessary. After all, I need to look good for my biiiirthday tomorrow :) Have a good one lovelies :*
Du fortjener fine ord hver da, Cathrine! <3
Vi trenger vel alle litt sol i blant ;)
cute hair!!!
jeg har også bursdag i morgen! Gratulerer med dagen i morgen! haha :D <3
Åå takk samme til deg :D <3
Sykt kule briller 8)
how do you do your hair, it is beautyfull!