Good morning sunshines♥ I wanted to start the day by giving you a little tip. It’s still the beginning of the year, and we can shape it just the way we want to. I’ve talked about this before, but I think it’s so important, so I want to talk about it some more. As you know, I think it’s really important to set goals. It can be small goals – things to get done during the day or the week, or long-term goals. Okay, so you’ve now hopefully set a goal, what’s next? How can you reach it? The most important factor in my opinion, is visualizing yourself already having reached the goal. ‘Act as if‘. Act as if you’re already where you want to be, at least mentally.
The reason why I wanted to talk to you about this today, is because of the result of my macroeconomics exam, and I wanted to share how I got there. In the beginning of the year I felt a bit hopeless. The class was so difficult, and all I heard was how hard it was, how many people failed the class, and so on. I quickly decided that I wanted an A in this class, so the goal was set. Then almost immediately I started visualizing myself getting that A. How would I feel? What would I do? I of course concluded that the feeling I would get would be absolutely amazing, and the first thing I would do was call my dad. Then I would post a picture of the grade on Snapchat. Then I would of course tell you guys about it, and I would also post a picture on Instagram. I knew already several months ago exactly what the caption would be. Every single day I thought of this, I visualized myself doing those exact things. So yesterday when I found out that the goal was reached, I knew exactly what to do, haha. I had been planning it for months! And actually doing all the things I had been planning – no words can describe how rewarding that felt.
So – why is this a good idea? I’ll tell you why. By constantly visualizing yourself reaching your goal, you’ll make all the right choices that will get you closer and closer to reaching it without even thinking about it. I never thought ‘Oh damn, I should study, so boring‘, I thought ‘Of course I’m going to study, because I’m getting an A!‘. All the hours spent studying went by so much easier than it would have without this way of thinking. All those little choices, like ‘study vs. watching a reality show‘, ‘study vs. taking a nap‘ and so on, they were so easy to make that I didn’t even have to think about it. After all, I was going to get an A!
A big part of this is also being able to accept it if it doesn’t go your way. Accept it, and keep going! But never give up, and never set your goals too low just because you’re afraid of not reaching them. I just wanted to share this with you as it’s the beginning of a new semester for most of us, and the rest of you who are working probably have goals as well. Maybe you want a promotion? Think about who you would call first, what you would say, how it would feel changing your work position on Facebook for everyone to see, etc. And think about it every day! I want to wish all you girls the best of luck with your dreams and goals for 2015, I know that you can do it! I get so much support and love from you guys, and just know that I appreciate it more than you know, and that I’m rooting for you guys as much as humanly possible as well♥♥♥
Anette says
Akkurat dette trengte jeg! Nå er målet satt og det skal jeg klare å få til! Takk for supert tips!
Superstart says
Fantastisk innlegg for det nye året :) Veldig fin inspirasjon når det gjelder studier og for alle områder man føler for litt forbedring på i livet!
Gler meg til å teste det ut :)
Henrikke says
<3 <3 <3
Marijana says
And we’re rooting for you too, sweetie! Keep up the good work and thanks for this amazing advice! Sending you lots of love and support! <3
Emily Eyra says
Gratulerer så mye med A! Du er en inspirasjon!
Jeg setter også mange mål, små og store, som jeg alltid klarer å nå fordi jeg vet at jeg kan, selv om det virker umulig først. Jeg har gjort det lenge og jeg gjør det oftere og oftere hele tiden. Å lese dette fra deg minner meg på hvor viktig det er å sette mål og minner meg på mine frentidige mål og målene jeg har nådd i fortiden og jeg blir i godt humør og motivert med en gang! Tusen takk for det og tusen takk for at du minner meg på å være en sterk person.
Du inspirerer meg også til å være åpen om mine mål på bloggen min for jeg føler at denne blogposten ga meg så mye og fikk meg i godt humør. Hvis jeg skrev om mine mål på min blog kunne jeg kanskje inspirere andre på samme måte som du insprerte meg :)
Elisabeth says
Så gøy. Gratulerer så masse!
Jeg har et lite spørsmål angåande bilder du redigerer. Hvordan får du overført bilder du har redigert til Instagram? Sikkert tidenes dumme spørsmål, men jeg sliter sånn med det!
Første kommentar says
det samme gjorde jeg i høst, og det funket! Tenkte ikke over hvor smart det var da, men det skal jeg bruke inn i det nye semesteret hvor jeg foreløpig er veldig umotivert! Takk:)
Motivasjon says
Tusen takk for at du skrev dette, og gratulerer med oppnådd mål! Jeg har vært kjempenervøs for dette semesteret siden jeg skal skrive bacheloroppgave, og det virker uoppnåelig. Men nå fikk jeg motivasjon til å endre innstilling, bli mer positiv og jobbe hardt.
Lucy says
I totally agree! Positive thoughts can change everything. I’m in my third (and final) year at University and this last year has been so difficult. Post’s like this really help to motivate and encourage me. Good luck with your studies xx
Stephanie says
Thanks for reminding us of that! It’s actually what’s happening to me right now! I applied last summer for a position I’ve been coveting for years! Then I got this great opportunity to go to Paris and I went, thinking they would call me back when I get back home and they did yesterday! I then got a language test that I didn’t think too much of, because in my mind I’d already aced it. And today they got back to me saying I’ll have an interview with them.
I just feel everything’s falling into place :)
Mahnaz says
hey Cath. I just want to say that its really nice to see these posts about school because this is a good example of how you outstand from other bloggers. :)
Marthe says
Hvor er jakken fra?:) says
Thank you sweetie ♥ says
H&M :)
DIANE says
Hello dear ! Thank you so much to share this tip with us. It’s a wonderful post that give me hope for 2015 <3