Good morning sunshines♥ Life is still as beautiful as can be here at the summer house, and I’m enjoying eating my mom’s homemade dishes from am to pm. She’s such a fantastic cook! I just have to share this breakfast with you guys, it tastes like a dessert from a fancy restaurant, but it’s actually very healthy and filling. Doesn’t it look yummy?
One of the things that make it so good is the homemade crunchy granola. This is how my mom makes it, and what you need:
♦ 1 box of walnuts (400grams)
♦ 1 bag of hazel nuts (200grams)
♦ 1 bag of almonds (200grams)
♦ 1 bag of pistachios
♦ 3 tbs of olive oil
♦ 3 tbs of akasie honey
Chop the hazel nuts and the almonds into little pieces. You can give them a quick spin in the blender, or put them in a bag and give them a good pounding with a hammer or something hard. Put all the nuts in a bag or a bowl, drizzle the olive oil and akasie honey over and blend well. Then put the whole mix on a tray with baking paper under, and put it in the oven at 140 degrees for an hour. Keep the granola in a sealed box.
What you need for the whole breakfast is yoghurt, the homemade granola, cinnamon and berries. Russian or greek yoghurt is perfect. The Russian yoghurt contains 17% fat, while the Greek yoghurt contains 10%, so the Russian one is more filling.
Start by putting some yoghurt on a plate, and cover it in cinnamon. Since the yoghurt contains a lot of good fat, a small portion will keep you full for hours. The cinnamon part is important, it gives such a good flavor! Then add the granola and berries of your choice (we use raspberries and blueberries), and if you have some basil, a leaf or two will add some extra freshness. Then you’re dunzo, and can dig in!
Doesn’t it look yummy? This is what my mom eats for breakfast every day, and now it’s most definitely what I’ll be eating for breakfast every day as well. You have to try this sweeties!♥
This looks sooooo gooood ♥ Wish someone would make such a breakfast for me,hehe
Yummyinmytummy! Det så veldig godt ut!
Hvor er den fine frostetglass tallerkenen fra?
Det er suupergodt!! :) Jeg vet dessverre ikke, den stod her på hytten når vi kom og er ikke noe merke på den :*
Mmmmhm :)
Aw, you should try making it though!! :)
It looks so yummy, I think I will try making the granola :) Unfortunately I’m lactose intolerant, so I have to replace the yoghurt with some kind of soya product….
Mmm, det så utrolig godt ut!
It will probably be good anyway!! :)
Det er det :D
Det så knallgodt ut ;-)
Det så helt utrolig godt ut:D
Åh, jeg elsker granola!! Lager etter en oppskrift ganske lik som din mors, men et lite tips er å blande inn en teskje kanel og kardemomme i mixen før du steker den..det blir såååå godt!! Lukter deilig kake i hele huset når du er ferdig, og smaken blir helt fantastisk :)
Tusen takk for tips, det skal jeg absolutt prøve!! :)
Denne har jeg laget stå mange ganger siden du la den ut første gangen! Tusen takk for en utrolig god oppskrift, og en inspirerende blogg! Er innom nesten hver dag, men sjelden jeg legger igjen noen livstegn.. Hele:) ha en fin uke!
Så bra at du liker den! Tusen takk for fine ord :)