Good morning loves♥ Ready for a new week? I’m super ready, and the weird thing is that I’m so excited about not having much plans this week. Normally I’m dreading these boring weeks, but now I’m actually looking forward to one. It’s not going to be so boring though, there’s a few highlights which I’m so excited for, like finally getting to spend some quality time with my friends again after being so much away, and Celin from Moo is coming to visit me later this week. She’s never been to Bergen before, so I can’t wait to show her around.
The week has gotten off to a pretty rough start blog-wise though, my memory card broke yesterday, which is the only one I have for my Canon 5D. So annoying, I h-a-t-e technical problems!! So until I get a new one I have to use my old camera, which is like going from driving a Rolls Royce to driving a…. Okay, I have absolutely no clue when it comes to cars.. A really old and bad one, let’s just leave it at that. Bottom line – no fun! Luckily I have these pics from Barcelona which I haven’t showed you yet. As we stayed an hour outside of the city, we only took the train in twice. Normally I do so much research before travels and know everything from where the best tapas is, to how to take the subway to the best stores. This time I hadn’t had time to do any research, so I definitely don’t think we got to see everything that the gorgeous city has to offer. I did, however, have a lot of fun on this swing..
The only real tourist attraction we got to see was this church, which they never finish building. I don’t even remember the accurate name, I just know that I called it “Sangria Familia” and that I was way off..
In addition to the swing, the church and the stores at La Rambla, I found this pretty fountain which I thought was such a pretty backdrop for outfit pictures..
Necklace, blouse and bag: Zara // Skirt: Asos (old) // Shoes: Converse
It was such a fun trip, and we definitely have to go back to see more of the city. I just have to learn how to speak Spanish first. For some reason Spanish people, or at least everyone I talked to, automatically assume that everyone understands Spanish. I would ask a question in English, and get a long and completely not understandable response. It was like listening to Donald Duck in fast-forward. So learning Spanish and visiting Barcelona again is definitely going right on my bucket list. Have a great day and week everyone♥♥
Su nd Chris says
So cool photos, i love this outfit!
xx Su
Camilla says
Elsker bloggen din, blir alltid dødsglad når du har postet nytt innlegg :) Er vesken nylig kjøpt på zara? Ha en fin dag og uke du også :)
Bettina says
Kirken heter la sagrada familia (den hellige familie), men sangria familia høres ut som en festligere gjeng :-P
Elsker Barcelona.
Neste gang må du ta deg en tur til Casa Batllo – et av verdens flotteste hus, og perfekt sted til å ta fine outfit bilder ;) kan se for meg den nye fine blå Gestuz kjolen din der :)
cathrineheienberg says
Åh, så skjønn du er :) Tusen takk for det <3 Jeg kjøpte den i Sør-Afrika i september :) Klem
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you :)
cathrineheienberg says
Haha det var det ja! Takk for tips :) Klem
Nora says
Haha, la Sagrada Familia (den hellige familie) av Gaudi ;) Har ganske kul historie hvis du er interessert i arkitektur osv;) Fikk dere tid til Park Güell?
kristin says
Åh, barcelona står på listen over steder jeg og min kjære vil dra. Forhåpentligvis om ikke altfor lenge!
cathrineheienberg says
Hihi ja, det var det det var.. Må sjekke den ut ordentlig neste gang vi reiser :) Nei dessverre :(
Milie says
Hehe! Nice try though! La Sagrada Familia, the unfinished work by Antoni Guadi!
Love the pics, and your style is so refreshing!
cathrineheienberg says
Thank you sweetie :)
Caity @ Moi Contre La Vie says
Love the chic statement necklace paired w/ the classic white button-down. Great look!
Patricia says
Hi cath!! I am from Madrid
Yes you are right.. the problem in spain is the english
Few people speak english….but you have to learn spanish is so easy, seriously!!haha
I think that the norwegian is more complicated haha
You need to come to Madrid .. is so beatiful!!
You look stunning !!
kirsty says
Seriously in love with this skirt x
Karina says
Smukke billeder :)
Thea Margrethe says
Hei Cath! Prøvde å bruke kategori-knappen din, men når jeg holder musepekeren over havner den heeeelt til venstre, og når jeg da prøver å flytte musepekeren bort til drop-down-boxen forsvinner den bare. Tenkte bare jeg skulle informere, og kanskje noen andre har problemer.
Bruker mac, firefox nyeste oppdaterte.
cathrineheienberg says
I think it seems sooo hard, haha. Will definitely come to Madrid in the future :) Thank you <3
cathrineheienberg says
Heihei. Så rart, den funker hos meg :S Skal snakke med Nettavisen :) Klem
Beate says
Det samme skjer med meg, men du må bare holde museknappen nede, og så skyve den bort til venstre hvor drop-down boxen står, så går det bra.
Jeg skulle forresten ønske du hadde en søkemodul, som søker etter ord i hele bloggen din. Det hadde vært supert! Mange ganger jeg lurer på om du har skrivet noe om et spesielt emne…. ;-)
Veldig fin blogg du har! ;-)
cathrineheienberg says
Det har jeg vettu!! Den er ikke så lett å finne da, men den er helt nederst på bloggen :) Klem
Thea Margrethe says
Takk for tipset Beate, men det funket ikke hos meg! Det eneste som skjer er at jeg tar tak i bildet “categories”, og drar det etter meg…. “/ Og da blir alle lenker utrykkelig. Merkelig!
Mari says
Hvor er solbrillene dine fra? Kjempefine!!
cathrineheienberg says
D&G :)
MaritBE says
Så fine bilder! Også så fint antrekk<3