I love looking through fashion blogs, and since you’re already reading this, I have a feeling that you like to read blogs too. I thought I’d share my top eight international fashion blogs, as I guess a lot of you already read the same Norwegian blogs as I do. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite? Here’s my favorites, in a radnom order.
Natasha is incredibly cute, has the prettiest smile, gorgeous pictures and a really girly sense of style. She doesn’t update her blog very frequently, but when she does, she does it with a bang! Bang meaning photos that take your breath away..
I guess a lot of you already read Angelica’s blog, which is one of my all time favorites. That girl is just unbeatable when it comes to pictures, outfits, creativity and of course her angelic look. A big plus is that in person she is the nicest and most humble person you’ll ever meet. No diva behavior, which I’ve seen with other international top bloggers.. Love her!
Tuula travels the world, and takes the most incredible pictures from her various destinations. Plus, she looks smashing and has such a great sense of style.
Jules has a casually cool California-girl style, but still super fashionable and on point in every single picture. Love to scroll through her blog for inspiration!
Rocky is huge on Instagram, but I don’t know if her blog has very many followers. Well, it should have. Not only is she drop dead gorgeous, she has amazing pictures and a very boho chic sense of style.
Kayture is super professional, and every single outfit post looks like an editorial from a magazine. She has the cutest face, the prettiest skin and eyes, and her style is so girly and fun.
Victoria’s style is very ‘black, white and denim’, and I love that she stays true to that in every outfit post. Her outfit pictures are great, and she’s just such a sweet girl.
An old favorite that I must admit I don’t visit very often, but I love her Instagram though. When I do visit her blog, however, I end up scrolling page up and page down for ages. She is so cute!!
What are your favorite fashion blogs? Or maybe you’re a fashion blogger yourself? Leave the link to your own or your favorite blogin the comments. I would love to check out some new ones♥
Oh I love Jessica Stein from Tuula. She is such a sweetheart!
xo Andrea
Wonderful and Marvelous
I read so many of these, love them! I also love “TheLondoner” and “CupcakesAndCashmere”, my favorite blog! You can check out my blog as well, http://www.thestylishcupcake.blogspot.com <3
Fantastisk innlegg! Jeg følger faktisk alle disse på instagram, men leser ikke bloggene deres.. Kanskje det er på tide å følge de på bloglovin også :) xx http://www.thelondongirl.blogg.no
I read most of the blogs above too. I would love if you would check out my blog. I´m a Finnish swede living in Finland. Most of the people thinks that everyone in Finland speaks finnish, but that´s not true :) I blog about my life in Vaasa where I live with my boyfriend and hope that I inspire people with my Outfit pictures. Hope you´ll have a look! :)
Jeg leser faktisk bare blogger som nordmenn skriver, så nå er det på tide å utvide horisonten :-p Skal sjekke ut flere av disse! Men su, hvordan ble du så god i engelsk? Både tale og tekst? :-)
I haven’t heard of a few of these so thanks for the suggestions! I actually consider your blog to be one of my favorite fashion blogs! But the thing I love about your blog is that you mix a bit of lifestyle in there too. I’ve really enjoyed the posts you’ve been writing recently about your thoughts on things. – V – http://www.lifeplus1.me
Leser faktisk veldig mange av de samme selv, og i tillegg er jeg veldig glad i Kenza, selvom hun kanskje er en blanding av alt :) Blogger selv også, men klarer ikke helt fullføre bloggen med bare klær ettersom det er vanskelig å få tatt bilder hver dag, og i det hele tatt kle seg så spennende :) Men jeg prøver! Bloggen har verdens kleineste navn, fordi jeg lagde den som fjortis og ønsket et navn mange husket, og nå klarer jeg selvfølglig ikke an å bytte navn, uten å miste alt innholdet.. navnet er pappasdatter.blogg.no (haha), men overhode ikke like stor inspirasjon som de ovenfor, og ikke minst din! <3
All of those blogs look great! My two other favourite blogs are Viva Luxury and Not Your Standard x
Jeg har faktisk lest bloggen til Kayture helt siden du tipset om henne for ganske lenge siden mener jeg å huske (?) Hun er en av mine favorittbloggere, uten tvil. Sincerely Jules følger jeg på instagram :D
I have two recommendations for you! I have to admit that I do not keep up with their blogs, but I LOVE their instagrams. I think you would especially like Gal Meets Glam. She lives in San Francisco. : ) Thanks for sharing your favorites! http://galmeetsglam.com/page/2/ and http://damselindior.com
Dessa bloggarna har man sett innan, det är samma som alla läser, de är rätt tråkiga, finns det verkligen inga nya modebloggar? vilka är de nya modebloggarna? Hade varit roligt med tips på lite nya :) din blogg är jättebra. Gillar dina kläder!
Ja, det er sant. Men de er mine all time favorites ihvertfall :) Har ikke så god oversikt over nye :/ Takk♥
Thank you for the tips, never heard of them :)
Ja, hun er så flink!!!
Åå, men det er jo bare kjekt å lese om andre ting enn klær også :) Skal sjekke den ut nå :D ♥
Thank you so much! You are so sweet ♥
I’ll check it out, thanks for sharing the link :)
Jeg har alltid interessert meg for det egentlig. Pappa begynte å lære meg det fra jeg var ca 5 år gammel, og det var det gøyeste jeg visste, hihi. Så har egentlig alltid vært flink i det på skolen, og så har jeg jo vært mye i NY :)