May was an incredibly fun and eventful month, and the start of the best summer of my life. The biggest thing that happened in May was that I got a complete house makeover in collaboration with Sorelle♥
Ulrikke came to Bergen, and we had the best girlsnight..
Some looks of May..
I went to Oslo several times, and saw my Oslo-bound besties..
More looks..
Fride and I went to Stockholm to celebrate Nelly’s 10 years birthday party. So fun!
My favorite outfit of the month..
June was seriously the coolest month of my life! Over three weeks were spent in the US! I went with my boyfriend and my parents, and together we went to a little town in the desert where my big sis was doing research for her masters degree in geology. After that my boyfriend and I explored more of the US on our own.. First up was Las Vegas! Not really my kinda town, but it was definitely fun to experience it..
From Las Vegas we went to Williams/Arizona, and then the mighty Grand Canyon..
Up next was the incredible city of Moab, Utah, where we picked up my sister and spent an amazing few days exploring the unbelievable nature..
We rafted in Colorado River, went on a sunset safari in the desert which was the scariest and most fun thing ever at the same time, visited incredible sights around the desert, and saw 180 million years old dinosaur prints..
After Moab we went back to Las Vegas, and my boyfriend got his birthday gift; A helicopter ride over Vegas, then to Grand Canyon with a champagne lunch right down in the middle. SO COOL!
My parents and sister went home, and my boyfriend and I headed to LA. We stayed in an amazing house in Beverly Hills for a week, and got to see so much. We went to Malibu, Laguna Beach, La Jolla and San Diego, in addition to checking out the regular must-sees like Santa Monica, Hollywood, Venice, just to name a few..
Most fun vacay ever!
Then we drove up Highway One, and ended up in San Fransisco where we spent a few days before going home. I definitely need to go back there!
My little home and I were featured in Det Nye Interiør..
And finally, some looks from the month..
July was spent enjoying the amazing summer weather in Bergen..
My home and I were featured in Rom 123, this time with my closet being the focus..
Fride and I went on a roadtrip up the west coast of Norway..
Some looks from the month..
I spent a lot of time at my brother’s new summer house at Bjorøy..
Then a week was spent at my favorite place on earth, our family summer house in Kristiansand..
Lots of fun nights with friends was of course also on the menu..
Some looks from the month..
August started with a super fun trip to Copenhagen with Annette and the Olympus team, to attend fashion week. We had so much fun! We did a photo shoot, and I lost pretty much half of my hair during the crazy teasing..
I started working with Olympus, and absolutely loved the cameras..
I also started working with Specsavers, with my amazing fellow ambassadors Kristina, Espen and Ulrikke. Several trips to Oslo and fun photoshoots with the team happened this month..
Some looks from the month!
And of course, the biggest event of August; I started school! The school year was kicked off with a full week of crazy partying 24/7, which completely wore me out even though I didn’t attend all the events.. I’m getting old!
And of course, it was my birthday, which is always my favorite day of the year..
I hope you find this lookback as fun as I do! So much happened this summer, so it was so nice to go back in the archives and make a little summary. Best summer ever♥♥
Elsker stilen din, selv om noen av skjørtene og kjolene dine (desverre) er litt for unge for meg (noen som har 30 års krise much..?) og nå gleder jeg meg noe veldig til lysere tider igjen. :-)
love all your 2014 looks
Giveaway on my blog
Så fine bilder:) Kan jeg spørre hvilket fargenummer du bruker i foundation nå på vinteren, og om du bruker noe over? Du gløder sånn :)
Takk :) Jeg bruker samme farge som resten av året siden jeg bruker selvbruning jevnlig og egentlig alltid har samme farge :) Tusen takk for det ♥
Thanks ♥
Takk søte :) Haha, skjønn du er ♥