Hi lovelies♥ Last night was so much fun! My friend Oda is moving to Australia for three years soon, and next week is her birthday, so of course a surprise party was in order. We were about thirty people surprising her, and the look on her face was priceless! I was completely exhausted after Barry’s Bootcamp though, and all I wanted to do was to lay down and sleep. I thought a tough workout before going out would make me feel fresh as a peach, but that totally backfired, haha. I ended up spending four hours drinking one single glass of wine, and went home early. I love not having a hangover, but the feeling I have in my body now is seriously worse than a hangover! I’ve never been this sore in my whole life. It feels like my thighs, shoulders and abs have been stabbed, and everytime I try to move it feels like I’m beeing attacked with an axe. I move like a turtle, and cry a little tear every time Bella needs to go out to pee and I have to get up to open the door, hah. Hopefully my body will get more used to the insane workouts after a while!
So anywho, I’ve been thinking. Snapchat is only getting bigger and bigger, and it’s one of my favorite apps. A lot of people have their MyStories open so that everyone can see them, and I thought it was time that I joined in on the fun. You can follow me at @cathinthecity ♥ I usually only use Snapchat to send hilarious snaps with my friends that can never ever be seen by anyone else, haha. But I took a look through the Snapchat album on my phone, where all the snaps that I’ve saved are stored. Here’s the blogable ones from 2014, most of them were for me and my friends’ eyes only, haha.
The three last ones are from last night. Haha my face after Barrys! Other snaps I love is when I did a makover on Fride, Bella’s haircut, and all the ones involving my wonderful friends. Today I think I’m just going to stay in bed, as I literally can’t move without crying. Do anyone have any tips for sore muscles? Anything that helps?♥
Haha så mange morsomme bilder! Gøy å se den siden av deg også. Jeg har lagt deg til, og gleder meg til å følge med :)
Åå så gøy! Jeg har lagt deg til :)
Yay :)
Så gøy ♥
Haha den hvor det står “sminkesøndag” var jo hysterisk morsom! Hihi!! :D
“Dinnertime” var helt herlig, haha! Legger deg til :)
Hihi :D
Haha, ler av den enda :)
Hahahahahahahaaaaa døøøøøør av kalkunen, beste jeg har sett, hahahahhaaahaaaaa!!! Ah, du er fantastisk ;D
Hahaha ledd masse av den selv ♥